New Berea Attraction for Locals and Tourists

Invest in the Future of Berea: The Unify Cooperative's Million Dollar Vision for Indian Fort Outpost

Berea, Kentucky – The Unify Cooperative Society ("Unify Co-Op") led by Alex Sipple is embarking on a transformative journey to raise a million dollars to develop, restore, and transform the Indian Fort Outpost into a community owned cultural attraction and historical landmark for Berea. This historic landmark, remotely located in-front of one of Berea greatest outdoor venues; the Berea College Forestry Center, Indian Fort Mountain, Berea College Amphitheater, and the Pinnacles Hiking Trail system, demonstrates the property holds immense cultural, community, and commercial value for tourists and the local community. The funds will be used not only to acquire the property for the cooperative, but also to make the necessary improvements to ensure that the new Berea Outpost Museum and Craft Gallery becomes a thriving hub for community engagement, cultural preservation, education, and sustainable development both locally and regionally.

Unify Co-Op Logo over a photo of the mini-forest at the Indian Fort Outpost on KY 21 near Berea College
Unify Co-Op is now responsible for the once abandoned Indian Fort Outpost on KY 21

How It Works: A Simple and Impactful Ownership Model

The Unify Cooperative is founded on the principle of community ownership. The property at Indian Fort Outpost is being subdivided into 3,180 one-square-yard title certificates, each available during the upcoming crowdfunding campaign for $1,000. When you purchase a membership share, you automatically receive one title certificate, with the option to acquire up to two additional titles. By doing so, you’re not just making an investment in your community—you’re becoming a co-owner of a historic landmark, contributing directly to its preservation and future development. Each cooperative share costs between $1,000 and $3,000, depending on the number of square yards sponsored, providing you with a tangible connection to the property. (Edited)

Each membership share represents 1/1000th ownership of the cooperative, including its land and fixtures. Members can purchase one share by sponsoring one, two, or three square yards of the property. Those who commit early have the opportunity to own up to 1% of the property (10 member shares, equivalent to 30 title deeds). This level of commitment grants individuals the chance to become initial officers, program developers, or organizational directors of the cooperative. Importantly, no single member in good standing can own more than 1% of the cooperative's net assets, ensuring a balanced and democratic ownership structure.

The Power of Cooperatives: One Person, One Vote

While purchasing more shares increases your economic influence and benefits within the cooperative, they do not provide additional political influence. The Unify Cooperative operates on a "one person, one vote" principle, a core idea behind cooperative organizations as outlined by the International Cooperative Alliance ("ICA") and on Wikipedia with the Rochdale Principles. This ensures that every member has an equal say in the cooperative’s decisions, regardless of the number of shares they own. It’s about fostering a spirit of collaboration and fairness, where the voices of many come together to create a shared vision for the future.

Why Community Investment?

Raising $1 million through community investment allows the cooperative to remain true to its mission of serving Berea, without relying on large, profit-driven investors. By pooling resources from many individuals, the cooperative ensures that the project remains community-focused and sustainable. Each member’s contribution helps to restore Indian Fort Outpost and supports its development into a space that reflects Berea’s values and priorities. All the new members are in essence signing on to the project envisioned by the founders.

Join Us and Make a Difference

The Unify Cooperative is more than just a real estate transformation project—it’s an opportunity to be part of something bigger than yourself. By investing in the cooperative, you’re contributing directly to the future of Berea.

A Flexible Ownership Opportunity

Each share represents 1/1000th ownership in the cooperative, including its property, improvements and fixtures. Members can buy one, two, or up to ten membership shares, depending on their level of commitment and investment capacity. Those who invest early and purchase up to 10 shares (1% of the cooperative) will have the opportunity to become initial officers, board members, or organizational directors of the cooperative.

This is a rare chance to have a direct and influential role in shaping the future of a cultural landmark, guiding its development, and ensuring that it remains a vibrant part of Berea's cultural landscape. Your connection to this project will become a legacy for many years to come.

Cooperative Principles: Economic Power, Not Political Control

The Unify Cooperative is structured as a true cooperative, meaning that while the number of shares you own grants you additional economic influence, it does not translate to political control. Every member, regardless of the number of shares owned, has an equal voice in the cooperative's governance—one person, one vote. This structure ensures that the cooperative remains democratic and that no single investor can dominate decision-making.

The cooperative model is grounded in principles of mutual benefit, shared responsibility, and community-focused development. These are the same principles that have driven successful cooperatives worldwide, as detailed in resources like Wikipedia’s article on cooperatives. By joining the Unify Cooperative, you’re aligning with these values and contributing to a project that prioritizes collective well-being and community prosperity over profit.

Why Community Investment Matters

Unlike traditional funding models that rely on a few large investors, the Unify Cooperative believes in the power of community investment. When the community comes together to pool resources, the benefits are shared more widely and the project’s success is rooted in the support of many, not just a few. This approach fosters long-term sustainability and ensures that the cooperative remains aligned with the needs and desires of the local community.

Join Us in Making History

Now is the time to be part of something truly special in Berea. The Unify Cooperative is offering a unique opportunity to invest in a landmark that represents our community’s past, present, and future. By purchasing shares, you’re not only securing a piece of Indian Fort Outpost—you’re helping to write the next chapter of Berea’s story.

If you believe in community-driven development and want to make a lasting impact on Berea, this is your chance. Join Alex Sipple and the Unify Cooperative in raising $1 million to preserve, restore, and transform Indian Fort Outpost into a space that serves everyone.

Want to Know More?

Please read our upcoming articles that discuss GOKY Outdoor Activity and Recreation Clubs and about how the Unify Cooperative will generate ecosystem services and carbon offset revenue through creating ecologically sustainable emission canceling activities, events, and opportunities.

For more information on how to invest and become part of this exciting project, please contact:

Alex Sipple, Proprietor of Get Outside LLC and Berea Tourism Commissioner

Unify Cooperative Society ("Unify Co-Op")
Cell Phone: (859) 582-7166

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